Training Programs


We believe that training should be fun and engaging, and the material practical and ready to use! That’s why we use the simple but powerful EDGE method to ensure learners develop skills and confidence.

EXPLAIN – short practical explanations. No fluff, just the skinny!
DEMONSTRATE – relevant live demonstrations of skills & tools
GUIDE – guided hands-on practice, learn by doing on real work
EVALUATE – expert coaching and feedback to reinforce learning


Programs at-a-glance

PACT Facilitator (3-days)

Helps Change Management practitioners learn the full breadth of tools and concepts in the PACT™ Methodology to create sustainable organizational and culture change.
Ideal for OD and L&D Professionals, Continuous improvement professionals, Internal or external consultants/facilitators.


1) Explain how behavior change happens 2) Know what tools to use for specific change outcomes 3) Facilitate the specific tools and engage people in change through the use of these tools 4) Use the audits and assessments covered in this program 5) Create a change comprehensive roadmap to support project implementation PACT Toolkit included


-PREPARE (basic): Framing the change, Define the project, Identify stakeholders and requirements, Change message, Evaluate readiness for change & energy for change, Action planning & roles.
-ACCELERATE: Resistance vs. Acceptance, Behavior change, Engaging Stakeholder, Communication strategies.
-CONSOLIDATE: Systemic barrier and enablers, Cultural barriers, Reinforcing behavior change, Transitioning the project.
-TRACK & MEASURE: Acceptance, Adoption, Agility, more…

FastStart™ For Change Agents (1-day)

Introduces change agents to the ‘critical few’ change management tools of the PACT™ Methodology.
Ideal for HR professionals, HR Business Partners, OD/LD Professionals, CI Professionals (LSS), Project managers, Staff managers, and other influencers (sales, consultants, advisors, etc.).


      1) Explain the basic concepts of organizational change
2) Facilitate the “Top 10” basic FastStart
tools 3) Create a basic change communication message 4) Develop high-level stakeholder engagement strategy    

FastStart Toolkit included


1) Basic concepts
2) Frame the change: create urgency, develop compelling vision
3) Define the change: purpose & scope
4) Identify change requirements: desired behaviors, stakeholder needs
5) Develop change message

Change Tools for CI Professionals (2-day)

Helps Continuous Improvemnt professionals (Lean, Six Sigma) to become more effective at engaging others in support of continuous improvement and in implementing improvement initiatives.
Ideal for CI Professionals such as Lean/Six Sigma practitioners, Quality engineers, Industrial engineers, and Project process owners and project sponsors.


After the workshop, participants should be able to:
1) Understand the Five Critical Roles of a CI Professional
2) Be able to use tools to facilitate change, engage others in change, create behavior change, and sustain improvements

Leading Change Toolkit included


-Basic concepts: the psychology of change, the Five Critical Roles
-The EXPERT Role – how to get your expertise used.
-The PROJECT Manager Role – Team effectiveness. Working with sponsors and process owners.
-The FACILITATOR Role – Team focus and productivity, flipcharting, group dynamics.
-The CHANGE AGENT Role – Acceptance & adoption, engaging stakeholders. Mindset & behavior change, Sustaining change.
-The LEADER Role – putting all together.
-Self-assessment and action planning.

Leading Change from the Middle (2-day)

Help mid-level managers and leaders deal with change on a personal level to become more effective at engaging others in support of change initiatives.
Ideal for anybody with direct reports and who has the responsibility to implement ‘inherited’ change within their area of responsibility.


After this workshop, participants should be able to:
1) Describe their preferred change coping strategy
2) Explain the key roles of middle managers in leading change
3) Evaluate themselves against the Key Characteristics of Effective Change Agents
4) Use the essential tools to prepare self and others, engage others in change, and sustain the change

Leading Change Toolkit included


-Section One: Change in organizations, the psychology of change, the business imperative, change or die.
-Section Two: The challenge of ‘middleness’, dealing with my own ‘stuff’ before helping others with tier ‘stuff.’ Addressing organizational needs.
-Section Three: Your role as a change leader, Characteristics of Effective Change Leaders, Critical skills for change leaders. Managing tasks vs. leading people.
-Section Four: Tools for leading change from the middle. Prepare self and others. Engage others and sustain change.

Leading Change Seminar (half-day)

Helps senior leaders to prepare themselves and their organizations for organizational change. Designed specifically for executive sponsors of change initiatives and/or senior leaders tasked with leading change implementations.


 After this seminar participants should be able to:
1) Feel a sense of urgency to address the human side of change
2) Identify opportunities to address specific change challenges
3) Support and hold change agents accountable for change management deliverables
4) Use basic change tools to lead change more effectively

Leading Change Toolkit included


-Why change matters and the issue of ‘resistance’ to change
-The three elements of resistance: Rejection, Inertia, Gravity
-Tools for sustainable change
-A model for effective change
-Application and case studies
-Where do we go from here?

Facilitating Agile Teams and Conversations (1-day)

Helps participants become better facilitators of dialogue and develop the skills to create measurable outcomes in team meetings and group discussions. 
Ideal for for managers, leaders, change agents, or anyone that facilitates group discussions.


1) Define clear meeting purpose
2) Generate and organize information 
3) Manage group dynamics for focus, energy, and productivity 
4) Follow structured process to solve conflict
5) Design meetings for success
6) Apply principles and techniques in virtual meetings

Facilitation templates included


-Basic Concepts: What is facilitation, the role of a facilitator, staging skills.
-Engagement techniques: Effective questions, fipcharting techniques, brainstorming, maximizing participation.
-Organization techniques: Grouping, prioritizing, evaluating.
-Group dynamics: process vs. content, managing conflict and building consensus.
-Achieving desired outcomes: action planning, follow up, closing.
-Designing powerful meetings: define purpose, process, products.
-Virtual meeting application.

AgileMeetings: the way meetings are supposed to be! (half-day)

Helps participants learn how to plan and execute day-to-day meetings that are productive, energizing, and effective, the way meetings are supposed to be.
Designed for ANY executive, manager, or professional that hosts meetings on a regular basis.


After this program, participants should be able to:
1) Know how to prepare for an effective meeting
2) Conduct effective, engaging, productive meetings 
3) Create tangible results aligned with meeting objectives

Meeting agenda templates included


-Typical meetings vs. AgileMeetings 
-BEFORE the meeting: designing powerful agendas with clear purpose, tangible products, and realistic process.
-DURING the meeting: openers, managing process, focus, questions, documenting, group dysfunction.
-AFTER the meeting: Summarize, follow up, and action planning.

Agile Process Improvement (1-day)

Helps participants apply basic concepts and tools to improve the way they work and the results they get. Ideal for general audiences in transactional, service, or manufacturing environments.


1) Identify opportunities for improvement
2) Test a potential improvement 
3) Implement improvements

AgileImprovement Toolkit included


-What is process improvement